Microchurch Community
We affirm microchurch as the most basic expression of the church and is the starting place for people coming together for apprenticeship to Jesus.
Our ecclesiology is simple. When believers work together in sincere worship and genuine community to accomplish part of the mission of God, they are the church. And there are endless possibilities for impact through God’s people.
Worship, community, and mission are our ecclesial minimum.
Currently, we have one core, distributive microchurch with lots of different missional expressions led by members of our community… expressions that look like ESL Outreach, Kids Outreach, Youth Mentoring, work with the Refugee community, Home Bible studies, and more. There’s no one-size fits all, and we’re committed to helping live and love like Jesus and discover their God-given calling to do beautiful work in everyday spaces.
Hit the button below to learn more; we’d love to connect to see if we can serve and support you as your practice the way of Jesus in our city.
Missional Community
“Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.”