Igniting hope in Dallas…

$75,000 Matching Grant

Would you help us get stronger and sustain this work?

We recently announced that we’ve been approved for a $75,000 matching grant from a local family foundation. We are humbled and filled with hope that the Lord will provide the partners to respond to this opportunity.

We have until January 2025 to raise $75,000 from one-time gifts and/or pledges, and we will be awarded the $75,000 from the foundation to match what we raise!

We invite you to prayerfully consider partnering with us to help us reach this match! Both one-time gifts/pledges and regular support are needed to sustain and strengthen our work. Any support for our current projects (Hope Dallas Hub operations, ongoing outreach, training programs, etc.) would be included in helping us reach the match!

As you consider all the ways you can practice generosity - this month or on a regular basis - gifts to Hope Dallas are igniting hope and increasing our strength, sustainability, and expansion as a mission.