Igniting hope

Together, we can spark great beauty in our world.

We are so grateful for resource partners like yourself that are igniting hope and blessing underserved communities in Dallas. One life at a time, we can ignite hope.

Your generosity helps us dream responsibly as we work to mentor and mobilize 50 leaders to meet more local needs in the next 3 years. [Learn More]

Your Giving Impact

HopeServes Outreach Initiatives

HopeServes creates environments for us to serve and bless our East Dallas neighbors through outreach initiatives like emergency relief, Kicks for Kids Back to School Shoes, Summer Camps, Mentor Club, Community Dinners, Sharing the Warmth Coat Distribution, and Christmas Wish List. These initiatives are intended to create pathways towards long-term relationship and impact. Support these projects any time throughout the year, or be on the lookout for project specific links

Training and Sending

Our missional community is committed to being everyday change-agents in our city and teaching others how to do the same. Your support is providing disciple-making training, program curriculum, resources, and mediums for teams to be sent out to serve needs and build new relationships towards greater impact.